I'm still suffering from the hangover effect from yesterday's chalet.And no it's not alcohol,its lack of sleep.It was a new weird experience cause we went to just stay over at around 11,well credit to yanisa for fogetting to tell us earlier on.=)
Anyway,chalet ended up with 4 people majonging till morning,and four pigs upstairs in the room pigging it out on snacks and then a session of daidee till four.
4 of the pigs,shared two beds,and two pigs,shang and solomon took most of the space!ARGH!Ben complained the whole night cause shang "hijacked"the pillow leaving poor ben with none!Muaha!While the rest of us had one to ourselves!But it wasn't too good for me,i somehow ended up sleeping above the "longkang"or the space between the two beds.
And i ended up enduring someone's snoring and the melodious singing of the 4 monkeys playing majong downstairs.
Well other than that i guess it was kinda fun,it's been a while since i saw solomon anyway,and well i'm glad he hasn't changed.It's inevitable for people to change and drift away,but somehow it was the same as back in secondary school.I'm just glad we're still great pals!
`It's been awhile already,and he's doing whatever that's in his abilities.He's refrained from thinking,talking about,and he's kept the photos he carried around in that drawer of his.
But yet he saw her again in his dreams..just when he thought he made it,that swim back to shore.Yet just one night changed all that,and he's dragged back into the torrent cold waters of the ocean..
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